<...the perl.apache.org search facility>
> > *  Where is it? (doing a Find on the front page doesn't show it)
> At the bottom of all guide pages.
How funny--I'd never even noticed it!

I see that it's using 'Swish-E' <http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/SWISH-E/>. Stas--did you 
get that up and running? Can we tailor it for our needs?

Here's an attempt at listing what I think we've decided we should aim for:
- Allow restriction of search to just the guide
- Allow searching of other documents through a popup selection (probably make the 
guide the default?)
- Highlight found words
- Try and index in a way that suits programmers, not English writers. e.g. include @, 
%, $, ::, in indexed words.

Have I missed anything? (I'm ignoring the docbook issue for the moment since it's not 
directly related, and I guess it's really Stas' call anyhow.)

I would have thought the best bet would be to put it on the footer of every 
perl.apache.org page. A popup which allows selecting a subset of the site might 
default to either 'whole site' or 'mod_perl Guide', or maybe it changes it's default 
to whatever part of the site is currently being viewed...

The outstanding issues, I believe, are:
- Who looks after the perl.apache.org search facility? Are they happy to expand its 
functionality as described?
- What tool? Potential options so far are Swish-e, htdig, or custom Perl (perhaps 
based on Matt's engine). Any of these could be piped through a word-hilighting filter
- What's the best 1st step? i.e. How can we get a simple search going quickly, while 
providing the foundation for a more complete system down the track?
- Who's going to do the actual work? As I've mentioned, if a machine is required, I'm 
happy to provide it. However, I don't have the experience in this area to lead the 
work--although of course I'll contribute where I can! It would be nice to get a 
private mailing list going to avoid filling up this list too much more.

Anyone who's interesting in getting involved, email me, and I'll ensure that I add 
your name to the list. You don't have to be a programming guru, of course... there's 
always plenty of ways to get involved in these things.

  Jeremy Howard

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