
I have stumbled upon an issue with Apache::ASP <!--#include virtual-->
directive. Included files do not seem to be able to access the same scope
of variables. I am using the following test program:

File 1.inc:

<!--#include virtual="2.inc"-->
<% $test .= '1'; %>
<p>$test = <%=$test%></p>

File 2.inc:

<% $test = '2'; %>

One would expect the output to be "$test = 21", but it comes out as 
"$test = 1". I have tried the same thing with #include file instead of
#include virtual and the result is correct.

I am using Apache/1.3.9 on Red Hat Linux. My httpd.conf is setup for ASP
as follows:

<Files ~ (\.inc)>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlSetVar Global /tmp
        PerlSetVar Filter On
        PerlHandler Apache::ASP Apache::SSI

Does anyone know if this is a bug, or a feature, or did I perhaps setup
ASP incorrectly? Is there a good workaround for this? (It is inconvenient
for me to use #include file instead since I need to include files relevant
to DOCUMENT_ROOT, as well as relevant to the location of the current file,
but I could use that as a last resort.)



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