| > I would not do it this way, in fact the way I would do this
| > would not be with your methods at all, unless you want
| > to have each section to be arbitrarily different and
| > maintained by separate graphics designers.  The way I would
| > do this thing is to lose the directory structure completely
| > and to have things be database driven with parameters from
| > ?query_string like /index.asp?dir=1111, which you can build
| > the title for from the database because you know all the
| > parents for dir=1111.
| There are two reasons why I don't like doing it this way:
| (1) The URL is no longer human readable.

Consider putting this dirty hack in your httpd.conf:

AliasMatch ^/database/.* /path/on/your/server/to/database.asp

And then have your script database.asp do

my @whereami = $ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ /^database\/(.*)/o ? split(/\//,$1) :

This way, you can request http://yourserver/database/a/b/c/d and have
everything handled by one Apache::ASP script and @whereami will hold


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