| Well, I would like to suggest that you consider including <!--#include
| virtual--> in the Apache::ASP distribution, so that included files use the
| same namespace. It doesn't make sense logically that include virtual
| behaves differently from include file (other than the way the
| filename/pathname is interpreted, of course).

It does make sense to me, though. Consider one having very big (say 50k)
include files being included from several other (say 100) scripts. Just
sucking them in each script doing the include would cause *every* script
growing by at least the size of the include. Now as Apache::ASP caches all
compiled scripts, this would result in each httpd process growing by 50kB x
100 scripts = 5 MB, holding 98% redundant data.

Giving each include a different namespace (or more accurate: compile it as a
unique sub(), and thus having it's own lexical scope), will cause the
include file being compiled and cached only once.


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