Regarding the Filter approach, are you sending the headers yourself?  You
shouldn't.  Filter will do that for you.

Don't know much about the OutputChain approach.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth Lee) wrote:
>When I try the RegistryFilter+SSI approach, the headers generated by 
>my scripts _occasionally_ show up in the output (but as I see in, 
>there's really no header output when Filter is On). Provided that 
>PerlSendHeader is On, if I set it to Off, the headers always show up in 
>the output.
>I then try OutputChain+SSI, it almost works, but the #include's didn't 
>come up in the right place.
>Suppose the template looks like,
>(hello.txt contains the text "hello!")
>  <!--before-->
>  <!--#include virtual="/hello.txt"-->
>  <!--after-->
>Here's what I got,
>  hello!
>  <!--before-->
>  <!--after-->
>What's wrong with me?
>Ken Williams wrote:
>> Yes - you'll probably want to use Apache::Filter (implements the
>> filtering framework, so one handler can filter another) with Apache::SSI
>> and Apache::RegistryFilter (which ships with new Apache::Filter).
>> If you use this approach, you'll have a config directive like
>> "PerlHandler Apache::RegistryFilter Apache::SSI" in your httpd.conf file.
>> You can also call the methods of Apache::SSI yourself if you don't want
>> to chain PerlHandlers.
>>   -------------------                            -------------------
>>   Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
>>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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