I just meant, if you build/rebuild your modperl httpd,
make sure you copy it to your normal httpd place, like
/usr/local/apache/bin or something.  People often forget
this step so that even when they build it and passes all the 
tests, they still get the PerlSetVar not defined error from 
apache, since they are using their old apache binary still.

Check out a related documented FAQ for more info:


Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> How do you mean with copy it to over to where my httpd resides?
> my apache resides in /www and where and what file should i place
> in /www/ ? btw i don't use DSO
> Sincerely Vincent Bruijnes
> At 00:57 6-7-00 -0700, you wrote:
> >Vincent Bruijnes wrote:
> > >
> > > I got this error always when running /site/eg/index.html
> > >
> > > /www/htdocs/site/eg/.htaccess: Invalid command 'PerlSetVar', perhaps
> > > mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server
> > configuration.
> > >
> > > Is there a clue ?
> > >
> >
> >Install mod_perl, or make sure its active.  If using DSO,
> >make sure the module is built and commented in.  If you
> >haven't built mod_perl, build it, statically link it with
> >Apache, and make sure you copy it over to where your httpd
> >resides on disk ( common error ).
> >
> >If you have any questions about the above, be sure to read
> >the guide http://perl.apache.org/guide
> >
> >-- Joshua
> >

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