Here comes your herp (sounds almost like herpes to me ... shudder): What
happens if you actually put form.asp into /asp/ as in
http://oklahoma/asp/form.asp ????


PS: It would have been enough to tell the list that you saw the source,
instead of posting a screenshot ...

At 05:25 PM 7/27/00 -0300, Adrian wrote:
>Hi guys,
>I've downloaded and instaled Apache::ASP in my Linux SuSE 6.3 box.
>Althought it's instaled properly (satisfying dependencies), 
>when I try to run the provided examples, they are opened as text,
>not a ASP page (see the snapshot attached).
>Additionaly, I've added the following lines in the httpd.conf, as
>writen in README file supplied with module.
><Location /asp/>
>  SetHandler perl-script
>  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
>  PerlSetVar Global /tmp
>What's wrong? May I forgoting anything? Is there issues that I don't
>know? Please, help me, 'cause already two weeks were lost trying to 
>solve this, and my clients are waiting...
>PS: This feature is intended to build (already done) an e-commerce
>site, but working in PWS, and we (our enterprise) want to use Linux +
>Apache + Apache::ASP + Interbase 6 in order to cut-off costs.
>I'll appreciate your herp!

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