Vivek Khera wrote:
> >>>>> "DT" == Drew Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> DT> My underlying concern is that each time the code is run, I get "clean"
> DT> variables. Every variable is a lexical. If that is enough to guarantee
> DT> emptiness on each run, then initialization is unnecessary (and in fact a
> DT> performance decrease).
> If you initialize a variable at its declaration, will that
> initialization happen every time thru or will it be done similarly to
> a BEGIN block?  I think that's your real question.
I believe what you said is my question. Can I safely do this?

my @list;
foreach qw(field field2 field3) {
        push @list, $_;

I'm 99.99% sure snippet this will give me a clean @list each time it is

My next question is: do most of the modules submitted to CPAN initialize
variables? I read Chris' response, and I'm inclined to keep initializing
variables. One day I hope to submit CPAN modules, so is this a good
habit to get into? Sorry for getting so off-topic. 

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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