
I've come across some totally weird behaviour of <Perl> sections. I'm
enclosing a minimalistic httpd.conf that shows it. In order to test
it, create a directory called "zz", put it there, cd to that
directory, and run /usr/sbin/apache -f `pwd`/httpd.conf .

What it tries to do is get the current working directory (via
POSIX::getcwd), and then look up the port to bind to in a hash,
according to this directory. If the name of the directory comes from
getcwd, it's printed correctly by the print statements (!), but then
Apache doesn't recognize it and tries to bind to port 80 anyway!
However, if you assign the value to the variable manually (there's a
commented line that does it, uncomment it) it works perfectly. It
prints the same output, but it binds to the correct port.

Can anyone please help me to figure this out? It looks like some very
subtle bug. If you try to reproduce it but can't, please tell me
too. Maybe it's something weird with my configuration.

I'm using Apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.24.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Alex Shnitman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LiveLinx Extensible Solutions Ltd.

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