
On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 13:19:51   Joshua Chamas wrote:
>Until I write a VBScript to perl parser, yes you can only
>use perl under Apache::ASP.

Ok, so are you actually going to write a VBScript to perl parser?  I was actually 
thinking of undertaking this project myself, but I've never written a lexer or a 
parser or anything like that.  If you _are_ going to do this I'd be glad to help.  If 
not, I'm probably going to get started with it anyways.  I realized a huge need for 
something like this since I've been working on a large site (high volume + large 
codebase) converting from WinNT/ASP to Solaris/Perl/CGI (with mod_perl of course).  
I've written a _really_ simple script that converts stuff like "For i = 1 To 10" to 
"for (1..10) {" etc., but it's of course really flaky and unreliant (although it 
knocks out about 90% of the manual code conversion).

Ok, so what was the point again??  Oh yeah, are you really going to do this?  :-)  Or 
is someone else already in the process?

- Matt Barnicle

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