Jauder Ho wrote:

> XML+XSLT is an interesting combination
> but integrating that into a dynamic generator (perl based or other) is
> going to be nontrivial to say the very least. Is there anyone interested
> in exploring this?

Most of the hard work for this has been done by our own lovely and
talented Matt Sergeant by providing native support for Perl XSP in
AxKit. You add <myns:function param="stuff"/> to your XML and XSP does
&function($param) and whatever else behind the scenes. Okay, so you have
to write the taglib to make this happen, but once it's done it's done
and you're *ML folks never have to deal with code at any level. And,
while adding new taglibs is not exactly trivial, it certainly isn't
rocket science, either.

IMHO, XML+yourfavoritetransformer(s) is the answer to separating the
three worlds of code, content and design. Yes, we all want lighting
fast, dynamic, reusable widgets for our Web apps. I'm just becoming
increasingly convinced that HTML is one possible *output* of such a
system, not it's basic building block.

"In this world you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.
 Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant."

                                       --Elwood P. Dowd

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