On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jauder Ho wrote:

> If there was somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the same
> dynamic portion uncached, it would certainly help things along quite a bit.

        An improvement to the technique used by HTML Tree is to
        "collapse" the non-dynamic portions of an HTML file into a
        single text node.  Given:

                This is ordinary content.
                It is <B>not</B> dynamic.
                This line, <SPAN CLASS="sub_word">however</SPAN>, is.

        You would ordinarily get:

                Element Node: <H1>
                        Text Node: Heading
                Text Node:
                        This is ordinary content.
                        It is
                        Element Node: <B>
                        Text node: dynamic.  This line,
                        Element Node: <SPAN>
                                Text Node: however
                        Text Node: , is.

        But, since the bulk of that is static, the portains that do
        *not* contain elements having CLASS attributes could be
        "collapsed" so that you get:

                Text Node:
                        This is ordinary content.
                        It is <B>not</B> dynamic.  This line,
                        Element Node: <SPAN>
                                Text Node: however
                        Text Node: , is.

        i.e., the non-synamic HTML elements can be treated just like
        plain text and passed through untouched.  You could also devise
        a more complicated data structure that would cache such nodes

        - Paul

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