The template may be kept in memory but it needs to be reparsed to insert
real values, no? What I would like to see is a way to say the template is
static (header/footer) and does not need to be reparse/regenerated each
time and comparitively small portion of the page be dynamic. This way, you
can also store the html on the front end web server or akamize it and
concentrate on having the app servers provide only the actual data. 


PS. I guess now that I think more about it, we can accomplish this with
frames but that's a whole other story :)

On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

> On Thu, 27 Jul 2000, Jauder Ho wrote:
> > If there was somehow a way to cache say the template, leaving only the
> > same dynamic portion uncached, it would certainly help things along
> > quite a bit. If anyone knows of a good way of doing this I would
> > certainly be interested in hearing it.
> I believe every single one of the solutions discussed caches templates,
> most of them as compiled perl code.
> - Perrin

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