Andy Wardley wrote:
> I'm the author of the Template Toolkit and I figure it's time for me
> to give my take on the whole subject.  Here's a collection of my
> thoughts which hopefully answer some of the questions that have
> arisen.  Everything is IMHO, of course, but I like to think that I
> know what I'm talking about, having spent some considerable time
> working on and with such systems in a professional capacity.  But
> despite what I think, I'm not always right, so please feel free to
> take me to task or ask for clarification if there's something that
> doesn't fit.  I'm always happy to be proven wrong. :-)=
Andy, do you mind if I summarize your post in a template comparison
document I hope to create soon? I know I'm not the only one who is
almost overwhelmed with the template system choices avaiilable to

> * AxKit is something entirely different, new and icy cool.  It's an XML
>   data engine.  I'm hoping to graft TT on to the top of it Real Soon Now.
>   I've created a mailing list for discussion of AxKit/TT integration
>   if anyone is interested.  See:
Ahhh, now THAT is what I'm looking forward to!!! I have played with
Axkit a little and think the concept is Ultra Cool (tm). I also think TT
is Ultra Cool(tm) having just implemented it for a production site. I'll
probably be lurking on the above list shortly. :-)

> Version 1 is available from
> CPAN, while version 2 betas are currently only available from the above
> web site.  Version 2 beta 2 is 99% stable, and beta 3, due out early next
> week, should be rock solid.  Once the documentation has caught up with
> the code (almost there), I'll be releasing V2 gold and it'll find it's
> way onto CPAN.
Hurry, hurry! :-)

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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