Yes, a cookie-munging facility would be nice

-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Taylor
To: David Hodgkinson
Sent: 7/28/2000 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: Templating System

David Hodgkinson wrote:
> Drew Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > While I would love to have the session management & form goodies of
> > other template systems, our production people are not ready for it
> > (yet). Keep up the excellent work on these other frameworks - I
> > get to use them one day. :-)
> There's no reason why you can't use Apache::Session from within some
> code backing a TT script.
True. Except for the fact that I have already spent the time to do my
own session tracking in my own custom sort of way. :-)

I guess what I would like most is a framework that did everything
(session management via cookies or URL [automagically], forms
prefilling, etc) for me. Having done it myself once, I know that the
problem is larger than it sounds and why re-implement the wheel? For
this reason, I am very interested in Embperl 2.0 and Apache::ASP.

Drew Taylor
Vialogix Communications, Inc.
501 N. College Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
704 370 0550

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