On Fri, 28 Jul 2000, Drew Taylor wrote:

> Anything that would make the above scenario easier would
> get a thorough look in future templating system
> decisions. In short, I'm looking for a good, FLEXIBLE
> application framework. I'm tired of writing it all
> myself. And while it has been excellent experience, I
> say build on the backs of other giants. :-)

hi, just got back from vacation so i haven't weighed in on
this mighty thread yet.

i'm in the midst of porting to perl tomcat, the apache java
servlet engine. specifically, i'm reproducing the internal
architecture of tomcat in perl and providing some glue
modules to implement the internal classes with the apache
api where suitable. i'm also debating whether or not to
recouch relevant and interesting parts of the java servlet
api in perl terms and provide an implementation with the

i'd hoped to show the work to a few folks at the conference,
but i had to leave earlier than expected. nevertheless, i
have most of the core features working in a prototype
capacity - pluggable authentication and authorization with a
DBI-based implementation; pluggable session management using
Apache::Session, and a DBI-based implementation; simple and
extensible XML configuration of multiple web applications
inside the servlet engine as well as the engine itself;
pluggable logging (with Apache::Log and syslog
implementations); application control and response output
via 'servlets', and a Mason servlet.

over the next few weeks id like to document the architecture
as well as the internal and external apis, and add some more
authen, authz and session components. also, as mentioned
above, i may decide to formally implement some part of the
servlet api. once i've done these things, i'll make the
software available for download and feedback; at that point
i'll make another post to the list.

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