I the past 6 weeks I have been working on various problems with

There needs to be a "Your Mileage May Vary" (YMMV) reference page that is
easily accessible.
For Example,after scratching at the mouse pad, I found the following URLs
with practical information:



There are no doubt many more URLs, but, my point is "perspective";
Practical information about, "what works and what doesn't" (WWWDuh:-).

I want to point out a couple of observations during my trouble shooting:

!) 'Do not' load mod_perl as a DSO.
2) 'Do not': "PerlFreshRestart On" in httpd.conf.
3) Always put any httpd.conf module directives after the  module is loaded.
 (Be careful about the load sequence of Perl modules from within your
"startup.pl" file.)
4) Trouble shooting is a bag of worms, which includes error_log, gdb,
strace, PERL_TRACE (on UNIX of course).  Setting up a testing environment
on a different port (I used port 81), and then "divide and concur" (core
and all:-).  Which points out, that a lot of details, change for the
various platforms.
. . .
Does anyone know what happened to or how to contact GOZER (Philippe M.
Chiasson)?  Or perhaps who maintains AutoIndex.pm?  I have some questions
and thoughts to pursue. . .

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