On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Christopher L. Everett wrote:

> So, I apologize for not describing my problem clearly in the first 
> place.  And again, my questions are:  How would I go about proving to 
> myself that my script does what I designed it to do?  Has anyone else 
> dealt with a similar problem, and how did they go about doing it?  If 
> I solve it for myself, would anyone else find the solution useful, and 
> how would I make it more useful to them?

Basically you've got exactly the right idea, and it *has* been done before
- I recall vaguely in the back of my head someone mentioning doing almost
exactly the same thing (changing server logs into a benchmark tool) at
ApacheCon, only I can't for the life of me remember who it was.

On the plus side though, provided you've got no POST parameters, its a
pretty trivial script. The hard part is getting a scalable engine to
execute all those requests. Really you have to do that in C I think - and
you should probably just look towards the source of ab.

FWIW, I think it was Theo Schlossnagel (mod_backhand guy) talking about
the utility, in fact I'm almost certain. Why don't you drop him a line.


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