On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Christopher L. Everett wrote:

> OK, I confess: I've written (probably yet another) mod_perl banner 
> exchange.  I need to know that when we serve 100K banners to 40K 

Hi Christopher,

if anyone doubts that perl and mod_perl is a good solution for that,
you can tell them that at ValueClick we can serve thousands and
thousands of banners per second on our technology that is close to
100% Pure Perl.


> place.  And again, my questions are:  How would I go about proving to 
> myself that my script does what I designed it to do?  Has anyone else 
> dealt with a similar problem, and how did they go about doing it? 

Look at your system and then make up a lot of ways you can think it
could go wrong and then write some utilities to automatically do
those things and test in our output / logs / databases if what
happended was what you expected.

> If I solve it for myself, would anyone else find the solution
> useful, and how would I make it more useful to them?

That depends on how you solve it, but chances are pretty good that
you'll solve it very specifically to your problem (which might be a
good thing).
> Usually, I would test by running through the script a few times with 
> some variations, but we are so freaked out by our experience with the
> 2 other banner exchange scripts we tried, we find a lot of value in
> being certain.

Sounds scary; I don't want to know more.


 - ask

ask bjoern hansen - <http://www.netcetera.dk/~ask/>
more than 70M impressions per day, <http://valueclick.com>

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