Are you trying to establish a persistent connection using Apache::DBI ?

      IIRC Oracle connections don't persist across forks so you should use the
      method described in the Apache::DBI manpage to establish one connection
      per child:

Apache::DBI->connect_on_init($data_source, $username, $auth, \%attr)

But I could be wrong as I don't use Oracle !

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Simon Wilcox.

               From           "Jason Liu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>            Date
   6 November 2000
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]                          Time  12:02     

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      Bcc     Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea

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      Subject       database access


I can access oracle database from the main Apache process, but not from any
child processes.  I am fairly new to this subject, can someone give me some

Thanks in advance,



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