Then it is definitely variable persistence !

      If you really can't track down the bug, you might try posting your code to
      the list.

      Perhaps someone will spot something you've missed ?


               From           Ron Rademaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date   7 November 2000
                Simon Wilcox/BASE/WilliamsLea@WilliamsLea   Time  10:04     

      Copy to        [EMAIL PROTECTED]


      Fax to

      Subject       Re: Apache::Registry() and strict

I just read that part of the guide, for the third time today, but still I
didn't see anything that could help, I don't get any warnings and I'm not
using globals. The problem does occur when trying to use a child more then
once. So when I tried running with httpd -X I got the wrong output the
second time.



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