Yes, I also believe that this is probably the cause of many "memory leak" issues 
people experience with mod_perl using DSO. Had I known of this issue, I would have 
budgeted the time to role my own version. I will do so as time permits, but not for a 

Maybe someone should include this information in the Apache documentation covering the 
DSO issues. It would be very helpful to people starting out, such as myself.

Jens-Uwe Mager wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 07, 2000 at 03:59:34PM +0000, G.W. Haywood wrote:
> > I also never build mod_perl as a DSO.  For the life of me I can't
> > understand why so many people do it, and then they act all surprised
> > when things go wrong.
> It is a matter of flexibility, especially if you are a distribution
> vendor like RedHat or SuSE. Not all your customers will want perl in
> their server, and using the DSO way of doing things only those folks
> that need it can put the proper directive to load it into their
> httpd.conf. That the DSO version is buggy in this regard is different
> matter alltogether. I am wondering if other folks that embed perl
> interpreters into their applications are having similar problems. I
> would believe that is a general perl bug.
> --
> Jens-Uwe Mager
> HELIOS Software GmbH
> Steinriede 3
> 30827 Garbsen
> Germany
> Phone:          +49 5131 709320
> FAX:            +49 5131 709325
> Internet:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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