
I was under the mistaken impression that I was finally finished with the 
administration side of things...

Oh well...

"G.W. Haywood" wrote:
> Hi there,
> On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Buddy Lee Haystack wrote:
> > The memory consumption increases by about 1 megabyte for each child
> > process every time I issued the USR1 signal.
> Ugh.
> > I can always rotate my logs manually, I'm leaning along the lines of
> > just killing the process, rotating the logs, and restarting it. It
> > should take no more than 5 seconds once a week a 4:00am.
> Yup.
> > What concerns me even more is the fact that I have Apache restart
> > child processes after they each serve 100 requests
> > [MaxRequestsPerChild 100] it's a RedHat default that is supposed to
> > reduce memory leaks,
> It tends to reduce the effect of them.  The leaks are still there.
> > but with mod_perl & DSO it may actually have the opposite effect. I
> > can easily increase the value, or remove it altogether. Any
> > recommendations?
> I'd say compile static and do that anyway.  Definitely don't remove it
> nor set it to zero.  You aren't out of the memory leak woods just
> because you don't use DSO.  100 is towards the upper limit of what I'd
> use, and towards the lower limit of what most other people will use.
> > I take it that by far the most prudent course of action would be to
> > role my own, and compile mod_perl statically. I may have to do just
> > that, but I won't have the time to do so until December;
> It shouldn't take very long to compile.  Takes me ten minutes using a
> file called makepl_args.mod_perl containing my configuration options,
> in the top level of the mod_perl directory.  The command line goes:
> c2h5oh:/usr/src/mod_perl# >>> perl && make && make install
> Then I just stop the old server and start the new one.
> 73,
> Ged.


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