Thanks Christian!

Scripts would be nice.;-)

I take it you've used DSO much more than I have, so I'm interested in any information 
in addition to that provided by the kind "G.W. Haywood" to the following:

"What concerns me even more is the fact that I have Apache restart child processes 
after they each serve 100 requests [MaxRequestsPerChild 100] it's a RedHat default 
that is supposed to reduce memory leaks, but with mod_perl & DSO it may actually have 
the opposite effect. I can easily increase the value, or remove it altogether. Any 

Christian Gilmore wrote:
> > I'm leaning along the lines of just killing the
> > process, rotating the logs, and restarting it. It should take
> > no more than 5 seconds once a week a 4:00am.
> This is exactly what I do, except I have it scripted. The downside is that
> your service is unavailable for a few seconds (maybe more depending upon
> the length of time it takes for the parent to wipe out all the old
> children). I'd be happy to share the script, provided my boss doesn't
> mind. :)
> Regards,
> Christian


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