This is probably more of a Friday topic:

Simon Cozens discusses "Microperl" in the current The Perl Journal.

I don't build mod_rewrite into a mod_perl Apache as I like rewriting with
mod_perl much better.  But it doesn't make much sense to go that route for
a light-weight front-end to heavy mod_perl backend servers, of course.

I don't have any experience embedding perl in things like Apache other that
typing "perl Makefile.PL && make", but Simon's article did make me wonder.

So I'm curious from you that understand this stuff better: Could a
microperl/miniperl be embedded in Apache and end up with a reasonably
light-weight perl enabled Apache?  I understand you would not have
Dynaloader support, but it might be nice for simple rewriting.

Curiously yours,

Bill Moseley

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