On Thu, 30 Nov 2000, Nigel Hamilton wrote:

> Hi,
>       I'm trying to reduce the amount of data sent from server to
> browser by using compression ---> hopefully accelerating the time to
> serve a page.
>       Does anyone know of a mod_perl module that compresses HTML and a
> companion Javascript procedure that decompresses the data on the
> client-side?
>       I know there are Gzip modules that zip files on the way back to
> the browser ... but I'm after something that zips on the server and
> decompresses transparently in Javascript across all browsers. Ideally I
> want to do: document.write(uncompressed-contents) in Javascript on the
> client-side.
>       Has anyone come up with something for this?

Nobody here would be mad enough to do this... Is it on an intranet? If
not, you'll never get me visiting your site - I don't enable javascript

>       Also for average-sized files, does the time taken to perform the
> decompression/compression negate any speed increase gained by reduced file
> size?

I don't think so, but it probably depends a huge amount on the size of
your pipe and how many pages you're hoping to server. For example, I'm on
a 64K pipe, so CPU isn't the limiting factor of what I can serve - the
pipe is. So I gzip and can serve more pages.


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