On Sat, 9 Dec 2000, Gunther Birznieks wrote:

> However, the fact is that their can be other distinguishing factors on a 
> CV, but to ignore those factors INCLUDING certs is just stupid unless you 
> have the luxury of only having some ridiculously low number of CVs to look 
> at and can spend that time interviewing people because you only have a few 
> straws to grasp.

Perhaps you are right if a department is hiring 50 people,get 500
resumes, they are bound to get 10-20% defective or non fitting employees.
Certifications perhaps is like firewalls. Certifications/contributions to
CPAN, should be use a perhaps a priority items. Such way you can compose a
set of people, where each is guaranteed to be able to somehow contribute
to a team development, other is when and how these people will be able
to fit with one another.
Also the other aspect, is work ethics. I can hack perl modules like crazy,
but I don't I do diagrams, see that I would have inside out understanding
of a problem and possible solutions, and then I code. 90% of people I
know just sit down and start to code until it is done. Rewrite the
project a few times perhaps. If you want just grunts 'shortlisting' is
perfectly fine. Difference between perlfect and alright is very thin one.
just 2c

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