Nathan Torkington wrote:
> J. J. Horner writes:
> > What is the story on these tutorials?  Is it something you can
> > distribute, or did most of it come off of the top your head?
> Tutorials seems like a deadend for effort.  I've had zero (0)
> responses to my offer of my "Introduction to mod_perl" tutorial.

I'd be interested - although I hope I am beyond that stage now ;-).

I would like to see these sorts of things and "success stories" - how
ever short in the web to do a bit of advocay and (hopefully) attract
more developers (and mindshare).

Subliminal hint -

> If nobody's interested in increasing the number of mod_perl
> programmers through tutorials, then the only other option I can think
> of is strategically-placed success stories.


> I know that is making a point of collecting Perl
> success stories and is always hungry for more.  They won't convert
> the unwashed there, though.
> It'd sure be nice to have a WebTechniques special issue on mod_perl.
> Hint, hint, Randal :-)

nudges from here as well ;-)

> Nat

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