>Well Doug likes the site, and I'd assume someone is going to add a link
>fairly shortly to perl.apache.org.

There already is, I think Stas added it. It's under "News and Resources for
the mod_perl world" in the toc.

>> If you want traffic on your site, pick a way for people to remember it
>> when they walk into an internet cafe or when they are talking to
>> others in the hall.  Clever secret names suck, until you're the first
>> hit in google. :)
>Suggestions for ways to help that would be most appreciated.

You can get into dmoz by submitting your site to the editor of the
appropriate section and that will already get you into google as it uses
it. Otherwise, well basically the best way to get google to list you well
is to have a lot of people link to you with their sites contaning
perl/mod_perl/website building info (and to submit all those sites + yours
to google so that it'll visit them).

-- robin b.
He who laughs last thinks slowest. 

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