On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:26:49PM +0100, Stas Bekman wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Nathan Torkington wrote:
> > Stas Bekman writes:
> > > It's already taken by the eagle book. And since the URL is hardcoded in
> > > the book, you cannot change this.
> > 
> > True, but you can prominently place a pointer to Eagle book's content
> > on the new modperl.com homepage.
> Anyway, it's Doug/Lincoln's call :)
> What about modperl.net

Taken, and points to some InfoRelay's web site.
> > > modperl.org is taken by someone else, and it's empty...
> > 
> > Baiju!
> Oh, yeah, Baiju! Baiju, give us back the .org :) :) You have too many cool
> domains: perlmonth.com, linuxmonth.com... I wonder whether you have
> reserved the modperlmonth.com too :)

Didn't he once say that it could be used for modperl advocacy site? *digging back in 
the archives*

There it was: it's from around 12/03/1999; Stas posted a message where he's saying 
that Baiju suggested a layout of modperl.org. 
Now I'm just in doubt wheter I actually saw a message where Baiju was saying he'd 
donate the domain or it was just Stas' message I remembered.

On a sidenote, I have modperl.dk and it's currently just redirecting to 

Thomas Eibner

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