On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Kees Vonk 7249 24549 wrote:

> Stas writes:
> > How about 
> > 
> > close STDOUT;
> > close STDIN;
> > close STDERR;
> > 
> > in your child code?
> > 
> > check this out:
> > 
> > http://perl.apache.org/guide/performance.html#Forking_and_Executing_Subprocess
> > 
> > it's explained there.
> I have tried closing STDOUT, STDIN and STDERR, but that 
> doesn't make any difference.
> What I do at the moment is:
> 1. Start the long running process (runs indefinitly for the 
>    purpose of this test), which closes STDOUT, STDIN and 
>    STDERR and then calls setsid().

Why do you call setsid()?

Are you spawning a process with shell or fork? 

* If you spawn the process with fork remove setsid() and it'll work.

* If you spawn the process with ``/system it works with what you've

I've tested both on my machine.

> I think the following might be the solution, we have done 
> that in a (not internet related) C program here to solve 
> almost the same problem.
> Vivek writes: 
> > KV72> Has anyone got an idea how to get around this? Can I get to  
> > KV72> the inherited socket connection and close it when I have  
> > KV72> detached from the calling process? 
> >  
> > After you fork, why not close all open file descriptors you are not 
> > using? 

What Vivek meant I suppose is the same: STDOUT and STDIN.

> I have had a look throught the camel book. How do I close a 
> file descriptor (or find out if it is open), the perl close 
> function only accepts file handles.

% perldoc -q descriptor
Found in /usr/lib/perl5/5.6.0/pod/perlfaq5.pod
       How do I close a file descriptor by number?

       This should rarely be necessary, as the Perl close()
       function is to be used for things that Perl opened itself,
       even if it was a dup of a numeric descriptor, as with
       MHCONTEXT above.  But if you really have to, you may be
       able to do this:

           require 'sys/syscall.ph';
           $rc = syscall(&SYS_close, $fd + 0);  # must force numeric
           die "can't sysclose $fd: $!" unless $rc == -1;

       Or just use the fdopen(3S) feature of open():

               local *F;
               open F, "<&=$fd" or die "Cannot reopen fd=$fd: $!";
               close F;

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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