For the raw benchmarks...

OK, I finally got a little time to download and read some the hello.tar.gz.

It's good to see TT is fairly fast. But it's a shame that the only way to 
get faster than PHP is to write a raw Mod_perl handler according to the 
benchmarks. All the other mod_perl tools seem slower.

JSP seems to also blow away mod_perl and PHP (except being almost 
equivalent to mod_perl handler speed). I assume Resin is precompiling JSP 
to Java classes and that maybe the JRE you are using does some very good 
hotspot on-the-fly machine-code compiling type technology?

How does this benchmark stuff compare to the tests run at

I notice that JSPs take quite a beating there but are running on a lower 
end machine on that set of tests. I presume the below tests are intended to 
replace the tests run on these various disparate machines.

You also seem to have taken out tests? So you are no longer testing 
servlets only? It would be interesting to see if Servlet -> JSP dispatching 
(with is the recommended model of coding Java Servlets/JSPs these days) 
results in any slow down.

At 02:15 PM 12/16/2000 -0800, Joshua Chamas wrote:
>Still very rough, the hello world benchmark suite is available
>for download at:
>You may run it like:
>   # to get started, see what tests will run, note you
>   # may need some CPAN modules installed to get this far
>   perl ./ -test
>   # to run tests for 1 minute ... shut down your programs
>   # and walk away for best results.
>   perl ./ -time=60
>Here are my latest results, having added Resin/caucho/JSP
>with a J2RE 1.3.0 IBM java engine, which other benchmarks
>say is the fastest java on linux overall, & from previous
>testing resin seems the fastest JSP.
>I changed the SSI tests to look more like the others, which
>also sped them considerably.  Finally, I added tests for PHP,
>mine is 4.0.3, & ePerl.
>Test Name                 Test File  Hits/sec   Total Hits Total Time 
>sec/Hits   Bytes/Hit
>------------              ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 
>---------- ----------
>Apache::ASP               hello.asp   414.3     24857 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.002414   179 bytes
>Apache::Dispatch handler  hello/worl  689.5     41375 hits 60.01 
>sec  0.001450   134 bytes
>Apache::Registry CGI Raw  hello_raw.  725.2     43514 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.001379   52 bytes
>Apache::Registry   hello.reg   491.5     29492 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.002035   154 bytes
>Apache::SSI               hello.shtm  584.6     35080 hits 60.01 
>sec  0.001711   137 bytes
>Apache::ePerl             hello.eper  359.8     21588 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.002780   155 bytes
>HTML static               hello.html 1195.2     50000 hits 41.83 
>sec  0.000837   249 bytes
>HTML::Embperl             hello.epl   510.8     30647 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.001958   158 bytes
>HTML::Mason               hello.mas   383.8     23030 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.002605   134 bytes
>Template Toolkit    553.6     33221 hits 60.01 
>sec  0.001806   136 bytes
>mod_caucho JSP            hello.jsp   859.9     50000 hits 58.15 
>sec  0.001163   156 bytes
>mod_include SSI           hello.shtm 1008.0     50000 hits 49.60 
>sec  0.000992   136 bytes
>mod_perl handler          hello.benc  886.3     50000 hits 56.42 
>sec  0.001128   134 bytes
>mod_php PHP               hello.php   750.8     45050 hits 60.00 
>sec  0.001332   163 bytes
>As has been noted, my static html is probably slower than yours
>relatively.  I have a dual CPU system & have most apache modules
>enabled by default, thus creating huge headers for static html.
>I think the dual CPU nature of my system means my system will
>spend more time waiting on SMP & network locking as the request
>rate gets faster, but I don't know much about these things, so if
>there is something to be gained here, please feel free to clarify
>how this might impact the results.
>Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
>NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA
>                1-714-625-4051

Gunther Birznieks ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
eXtropia - The Web Technology Company

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