Hi Jamie,

On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Jamie Krasnoo wrote:

> Ok, I've had it with RH 7.0. Too many problems. What Linux distro
> are some of you using with Apache 1.3.14 and mod perl 1.24_01?

I had hardware troubles with 6.2 last year on one particular type of
machine and went back to 6.1 which was fine.  I use 6.1/6.2 on many
machines professionally, not sure of the split, several of them using
1.3.14/1.24_01.  My personal preference has always been for Slackware
but I'm running mostly older Linux/Apache/mod_perls on those systems,
and only four or five of them.  One of them has been running for two
years non-stop, the others only get booted every few months just for
the hell of it.  Never corrupted a filesystem except when it was my
own silly fault for playing with LILO.  Only do that in development!

Everything is Perl 5.005_03 except for one machine with 5.6 which is
in development.  No troubles to speak of with that but I wouldn't risk
it on 400,000 users yet.  MySQL on some of the machines, Oracle on
others, a few oddities with both.  Berkeley DB on some, ntpd, sendmail
8.10, emacs 19 etc. on most, no problems.  Netscape crashes all the
time but it never takes the OS down with it.  Only use it to test
Websites anyway.  XFree86 crashes occasionally and sometimes it does
trip the OS.  Only use it to run Netscape.  But you didn't ask about
any of them.  There are probably loads of packages I just can't think
of right now, sorry guys if you're piqued but thanks anyway.

Everything is built from source using Gnu (including the kernels on
the Slackware machines, but the RH systems are often out of the box).

Considering what a truckload of software is running on these machines
we really don't deserve the way they just run and run without trouble.

A few people like FreeBSD/Debian/SuSe but no I've experience of them.



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