I found what the problem was, thanks to Michael Weiner (Hunter). For some
reason, when mod_perl is compiled in to Apache as a static, it loads the
file stated in PerlRequire twice. When I recompiled mod_perl as a DSO it
stopped doing that. This bug seems like its a problem with the RedHat
distro. I should have seen it. There may be a reason that RH 7.0 comes with
Apache compiled with all mods in DSO. This problem doesn't seem to crop up
on other distributions.

Anyways, I think we can put this thread to bed. Thanks to everyone for your


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey A. Stuart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2001 3:48 PM
To: Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog; dreamwvr; Jamie Krasnoo
Cc: Modperl
Subject: RE: Looking for a new distro

Hey just as an FYI... I've got mod_perl and apache 1.3.14 and PHP 4.04 (I
think or maybe 4.03pl1) installed with no problems on my redhat 7 box.  Now,
it's my devel box so I don't know if there are any "major" problems with it.
:)  It does double duty as my devel box and my personal router (got my cable
modem hooked up on it and then route my internal boxes through it. :)).  For
Apache/mod_perl/PHP, I downloaded the source and installed those directly
along with Mysql...

Jeff (FurBall)
WebOverdrive Newbie Tech Board

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Cottingham aka drfrog [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2001 6:05 PM
To: dreamwvr; Jamie Krasnoo
Cc: Modperl
Subject: Re: Looking for a new distro

heya all:

im really waiting for the next bunch of releases here,

im hoping that they all start doing a lil more Q&A before release!!

ive tried a lot of different dists and nothing has me going
"oh yeah!!"

mandrake 7.2 is my current
"lesser of  Nth evils"

last summer i went to town downloading everything from
debian to suse and back to slack and redhat

at the time i started using mandrake its mod_perl was sett up nice

its not bad on 7.2 but it splits up so there is an httpd and an httpd-perl

i dont like having to configure
both so i un-rpmd then and rolled my own, DSO style
install in less than thirty mins
drop my config in and zoom!!

again some of this has to do with how a dist sets up apache
i like it all in /home/ww
but most put the conf 's under /etc etc etc.

some of these compatiblility & file management issues drive me nuts!!
and i usually uninstall and recomp my own

well that my take on it anyhow

back in the day
we didn't have no
old school
-dr. frog

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