Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> currently, the digest does not have a HTML home.  Matt at has
> graciously agreed to host it and work on the XML stylesheets required for
> the site.  This is a very good thing - but unfortunately, there is no easy
> way to derive a decent plain text version from an XML base...
> thus, the move to may mean that the digest no longer appears on
> the list in plaintext, but merely as a posting with a link to the current
> version...
> how does this strike everyone?

What if...

Instead of HTML, you write it in some simplified XML?  Then Matt can
transform it into HTML, and a simple script can make it plaintext for
the mailing list, and maybe even automate the mailing?  I, for one,
enjoy receiving it in email.  I'm sure there are plenty of us who
would be glad to help with an XML to plaintext spitter-outter (very
technical term) that would be suitable for an email version.

Just a thought.


Chip Turner                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                              ZFx, Inc.
                              PGP key available at

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