Eric Bellotti wrote:
> Hello,
> I set BufferingOn = 1, Debug was already = 2.
> access-log reports a 500,
> - - [10/Feb/2001:14:47:22 -0500] "GET /categories.asp
> HTTP/1.1" 500 578
> error-log reports
> [Sat Feb 10 14:52:05 2001] [error] Null filename used at (eval 23) line 2.
> [Sat Feb 10 14:52:05 2001] [error] Undefined subroutine &#::handler called.

OK, still no clue here, try Debug -2, which is system level debugging,
and can you please provide your script that does this, and the error log 
from a fresh apache stop/start.  Also you might try making sure you 
have the latest Apache::ASP v2.09 and modperl statically compiled into
apache, not DSO, but the latter is a long shot that it might be
related to this.


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