On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 03:33:12PM +0100, Christian Jaeger wrote:

> I've looked at Cache::FileCache now and think it's (currently) not 
> possible to use for IPC::FsSharevars:
> I really miss locking capabilities. Imagine a script that reads a 
> value at the beginning of a request and writes it back at the end of 
> the request. If it's not locked during this time, another instance 
> can read the same value and then write another change back which is 
> then overwritten by the first instance.

I'm very intrigued by your thinking on locking.  I had never
considered the transaction based approach to caching you are referring
to.  I'll take this up privately with you, because we've strayed far
off the mod_perl topic, although I find it fascinating.

> - why don't you use 'real' constants for $SUCCESS and the like? (use
> constant)

Two reasons, mostly historical, and not necessarily good ones.

One, I benchmarked some code once that required high performance, and
the use of constants was just slightly slower.

Two, I like the syntax $hash{$CONSTANT}.  If I remember correctly,
$hash{CONSTANT} didn't work.  This may have changed in newer versions
of Perl.

Obviously those are *very* small issues, and so it is mostly by habit
that I don't use constant.  I would consider changing, but it would
mean asking everyone using the code to change too, because they
currently import and use the constants as Exported scalars.

Do you know of a very important reason to break compatibility and
force the switch?  I'm not opposed to switching if I have to, but I'd
like to minimize the impact on the users.

> - you probably should either append the userid of the process to 
> /tmp/FileCache or make this folder globally writeable (and set the 
> sticky flag). Otherwise other users get a permission error.

As of version 0.03, the cache directories, but not the cache entries,
are globally writable by default.  Users can override this by changing
the 'directory_umask' option, or keep data private altogether by
changing the 'cache_root'.  What version did you test with?  There may
be a bug in there.

> - why don't you use Storable.pm? It should be much faster than Data::Dumper

The TODO contains "Replace Data::Dumper with Storable (maybe)".  :) 

The old File::Cache module used Storable, btw.

It will be trivial to port the new Cache::FileCache to use Storable.
I simply wanted to wait until I had the benchmarking code so I could
be sure that Storeable was faster.  Actually, I'm not 100% sure that I
expect Storeable to be faster than Data::Dumper.  If Data::Dumper
turns out to be about equally fast, then I'll stay with it, because it
is available on all Perl installations, I believe.

Do you know if Storeable is definitely faster?  If you have benchmarks
then I am more than happy to switch now.  Or, do you know of a reason,
feature wise, that I should switch?  Again, it is trivial to do so.

> >I have some preliminary benchmark code -- only good for relative
> >benchmarking, but it is a start.  I'd be happy to post the results
> >here if people are interested.
> Could you send me the code?, then I'll look into benchmarking my
> module too.

I checked it in as Cache::CacheBenchmark.  It isn't good code, nor
does it necessarily work just yet.  I simply checked it in while I was
in the middle of working on it.  I'm turning it into a real
benchmarking class for the cache, and hopefully that will help you a
little bit.



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