Jonathan Gardner wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> > So apart from the Native American thread which I believe everyone has
> > worked out...
> >
> > what do you want to do about T-Shirts?
> >
> > For me, three ideas stand out...
> > 1) I did like the ModDonalds idea...
> >
> What about this?  (this would have to appear on the back or in small text on
> the front)
> If McDonalds used mod_perl...

... a burger that was referred to like a box of fries would turn into
some strange numeric concoction that didn't make any sense, but was
occasionally useful.

... the recipes would be available to the public.

... their menus would become enormous, available from a CMAN, and full
of a mixture of completely bizarre experiments and staggeringly good
food, all mixed up together.

... every time you bit into a burger, it would rebuild itself on-the-fly
just in time for you to taste it.

... some wit would probably put hash cakes and oysters on the menu.

... if you weren't careful, ordering one thing would cause a bunch of
other "pre-requisites" to also get ordered. Ultimately, you might find
them refurbishing the whole building in response to your order.

(But Trademark Difficulties(tm) probably take out this idea; there are
better legal fights to be had).

Tim Sweetman
A L Digital
"Life in a box is better than no life at all, I expect. 
 You'd have a chance, at least. You could lie there thinking,
 'Well. At least I'm not dead.'" --- Rosencrantz

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