Samuel Lellouche wrote:
> I'm planning on porting a website w/ ASP pages, from an IIS server, to
> an Apache Server...

Well the model is similar, but there is no support for VBScript.
I'd be happy to give a go a writing a VBScript emulation layer
which could help your port but I'll need a site's source to base 
my work on, will you volunteer yours?

> Does Apache::ASP work well ?

Yes.  It has the original ASP API mostly implemented, as 
well as extra features like:
  More Events 
  Custom Tags w/XMLSubs
  HTML Compression
  Auto FormFill
  Site Errors Emailed
  Cookieless Sessions

Its also very fast, you can download a benchmark suite 
I wrote for comparing Apache development environments at:

Note the h2000 benchmarks are more indicative of real world
performance, as it tries to measure the runtime speed.

> Does Anyone have good experiences whit it ?

Yes, I'm the author so I'm biased.  You might contact
admins running the sites listed at:

Skip & as those are my sites.

> Does Apache::ASP interacts with SQLServer or MySql ?

Check out this faq on database support:

Also note that DBD::Sybase is probably the way to go to 
get to a MS SQLServer.  They both share a common code
base, and that driver is reputed to work.  Lots of 
people use DBD::mysql, including myself, and its very 
fast.  Should you got that route DBD::Oracle is
very robust.

Best of luck.


Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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