On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 12:16:18PM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> If the person being sponsored by grants is a foreigner to the US, but
> wishes to be in the US

Agreed, but I don't think that's a roadblock, just a situation to be
dealt with.  mod_perl infrastructure seems to be the kind of project
that can be done on a distributed basis.  Geographic proximity helps, no
doubt, but that shouldn't stop work. We might need US staff, but I'm not
sure where the fingers tap on the keys matters as long as they're
talented fingers in the context of a project and community that has
already proven to work well in a distributed manner.

> Of course, the location of the person or person(s) being sponsored may make 
> a big difference in being able to be sponsored.

Doug, would you sponser Stas a spot on your couch for, say, a 5 year
work commitment from him?  ;-).

> Or would be actually apply a set of grants...  I would like a company
> to sponsor this XYZ feature.

That's what I meant by "feature purchases" below, not that it was at all
clear :-/. Though I envisioned it more like talks might be opened with a
company and a mutually beneficial feature set might emerge from that.

For instance, I've been wondering about using fam/imon[1] to make it so
that Apache::Reload and templating and caching systems can have their
cake and eat it to: no need to repeatedly stat() the filesystem to know
if your source files have change or cached content has become outdated.

> But then this gets into the Collabnet SourceXChange model which Collabnet 
> just shut down due to lack of capability of making money (I guess). So I am 
> not sure if this would bode well for this type of model on mod_perl.

Not sure either, except that this would be more targeted towards
specific research projects, as opposed to the build a venue and they
will come SourceXchange model.

> Anyway, this seems promising. Where I know we wouldn't pay money to fund an 
> entire year of Stas developing mod_perl solely, I certainly know that there 
> are probably features I would seriously consider sponsoring.

Any others out there that might be interested, let's hear from you :-).
My employer's on the rocks, so no easy money there....

- Barrie

[1] http://oss.sgi.com/projects/fam/

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