At 09:06 AM 4/28/01 -0400, barries wrote:

> > But then this gets into the Collabnet SourceXChange model which Collabnet
> > just shut down due to lack of capability of making money (I guess). So 
> I am
> > not sure if this would bode well for this type of model on mod_perl.
>Not sure either, except that this would be more targeted towards
>specific research projects, as opposed to the build a venue and they
>will come SourceXchange model.

I guess my understanding of SourceXChange is that it was also for research 
projects and additions to existing open source projects. So the idea is to 
precisely bring together open source developers and people who want to give 
grants for adding or creating specific open source projects.

Anyway, I am not saying it is impossible. Anyway, I think what Stas may 
want to do is write up a list of things that he wants to do with mod_perl 
if he were given 6 months or a year of salary to do whatever he wanted.

This would make such a request to have someone pay for his work to be 
concrete and possibly then endear others to help in a more concrete way. It 
is also quite possible that people do not realize what improvements should 
be made to mod_perl (or they would be doing it) and so if Stas has a list 
of ideas of what to do with mod_perl, then he may inadvertently spark ideas 
in other people's minds as to what can be done and they would do it.

I guess off the top of my head, there are things that Doug has stated he 
expects other people to write as soon as mod_perl 2.0 is released. So 
perhaps that could be worked on in parallel with mod_perl 2.0 so that when 
Apache 2.0 is released, mod_perl 2.0 can be released in a very 
full-featured way.


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