>>    >The above code asigns a signal handler for the USR2 signal.
>>    >This signal has been chosen because it's least likely to be
>>    >used by the other parts of the server.
>> That, unfortunately doesn't tell me what causes a USR2 signal to be sent to
>> Apache. Or when it's caused. I only want to reload the file when said file
>> has changed. Am I supposed to do some checking against the file -M time
>> myself, and then send a USR2 signal myself?
>You didn't search the guide, even if you try to make everyone believe that

Sigh. What the frel is your problem, binky?

>talking about using USR2, not the caching technique). The first hit in the

Actually, no, not really. That's the same exact page I got when I "didn't"
search the search engine (thus pulling the wool over your elite mod_perl
eyes) before. Strangely, enough, the same quoted sentence in my email, is
golly gosh darn, the second sentence on that page.

And my comments to that page still apply. I will agree, in some sense,
however, that my comments about not "tell[ing] me what causes a USR2
signal" are incorrect. I was looking for a solution in all perl, so when I
saw the kill command, I just stopped reading, since it wasn't what I'm
looking for.


The first was more helpful than the second (ignorantly speaking). The thing
that worries me the most is about the 700k file being passed around to all
the children during a ::Reload or other solution. More specifically, is
there anyway to reload a file into the parent, which would automatically be
shared with existing children, and all newly spawned children? Without
restarting the server?

Thanks for the help...

      ICQ: 2927491      /      AOL: akaMorbus
   Yahoo: morbus_iff    /  Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   /   http://www.disobey.com/

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