>> Ultimately, I'm looking for something I can do totally from within Perl.
>Couldn't you create a Perl script to run as a cron job that could stat
>the file off-line for you and HUP the server when it has changed?
>That would seem easy enough.  You'd just have to work out the perms on
>the cron user to make sure it could affect httpd.  Restarting Apache
>isn't the end of the world, is it?

Well, it's a big deal if you've no "in" with the place you're webhosting
with, sure... No one wants to be told that some lowly customer wants to
restart the server that's running 200 other vhosts...

Granted, I work at the damn webhost, but it's gotten to the point where all
the gizmo's and crap I've added have slowly been dipping the "stop touching
the server, you feature freak" - I'd rather not stress the relationship.

      ICQ: 2927491      /      AOL: akaMorbus
   Yahoo: morbus_iff    /  Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   /   http://www.disobey.com/

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