Ok. Thanks for the replies everybody. Collectively, I'm looking for a 
solution that DOES NOT require an Apache restart, or one that requires me 
to use a kill/killall command. I'm not in front of the server 100%, and I 
won't have access to telnet/ssh in to issue commands.

Ultimately, I'm looking for something I can do totally from within Perl.

 >You might have better luck just having your app check -M against the file
 >and reload as needed.  If you don't want to take the hit on every request,
 >you can just use a counter or a "last checked" time kept in a global, and
 >check every 10 minutes or 100 requests or whatever.

 From various other posts, I'm understanding that I can do what I want by 
defining a subroutine in my startup.pl that would reload the file, and then 
I could call that subroutine whenever I determine the file is out of date 
(either through a cache, request, or -M system)...

 >Keep in mind, if you load this data during startup (in the parent) it will
 >be shared, but reloading it later will make a separate copy in each child,
 >chewing up a large amount of memory.  You might have better luck using dbm

That is something I was hoping I wouldn't here ;) ... Even reloading the 
file into the same variable in my startup.pl wouldn't cause the parent to 
share it with new children?

Morbus Iff
.sig on other machine.

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