On Sun, Jun 10, 2001 at 10:36:17PM +0800, Gunther Birznieks wrote:
> At 08:59 AM 6/8/2001 -0500, will trillich wrote:
> >which of the existing paradigms will the widget farm most
> >closely resemble? and what are your expectations for tradeoff in
> >functionality/modularity-vs-performance?
> 1) What do you mean by your first question?

if i was going to minimize a future learning curve, i'd like to
be able to jump aboard the widget farm already armed with
knowledge of how to do something similar. if it's nothing at all
like mason, but similar to axkit, then (if i expect to be an
ardent fan of the widget attack) i'd be better off pursuing
axkit. for example.

> 2) I believe there is nothing being done in the widget farm that would 
> really hinder performance other than being objects with methods. Really 
> without a good object structure then a widget farm is wholly useless.

you're definitely right, there. i'm just noticing that several
templating methods add "molasses in january" effects to the
rendering of some pages. of course, there may be more to blame
in the instance of implementation, than in the implementation

thanks for your replies -- we're leaning towards axkit or mason at
the moment--

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