> regarding the tools that dovetail into the mod_perl paradigm,
> who's got a comparison over relative performance (and other
> strengths/weaknesses) of various templating methods?

There are various discussions on the mod_perl list about this topic in the
past (so take a look at the archives). Also there was an start to write such
a comparsion, but I am not aware that anybody has really finished it. The
only benchmarks I know are from Joshua. I append his mail below.

NOTE: While the hello.xxx benchmarks only prints "Hello world", so they only
measures the startup overhead of the toolkit, the h2000.xxx tests tends a
little bit more towards a real application.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joshua Chamas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mod Perl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2001 12:37 PM
Subject: Linux Hello World 2000, Results In!!

> Hey,
> The Hello World 2000 benchmark is complete, and my results are below
> along with the Hello World benchmark.  Please feel free to contribute
> h2000 benchmarks for any environment, or suggest changes for those
> in the test suite, download at http://www.chamas.com/bench/hello.tar.gz
> The h2000 bench is geared toward web apps with templates.
> Please note that I couldn't get a java String->Int type cast right,
> so fudged one line in the h2000.jsp ( fix? )  Also note, as seen
> below, I am using the latest versions of PHP & IBM's Java, but not
> of perl, so the results may not be fair in comparing the languages
> on my platform.
> --Josh
> ]# ./bench.pl -version -time=60  ( -h for help )
> Test Name                      Test File  Hits/sec   Total Hits Total Time
sec/Hits   Bytes/Hit
> ------------                   ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
 ---------- ----------
> Apache::ASP v2.07 2000         h2000.asp   228.0     13687 hits 60.03 sec
0.004386   28997 byte
> HTML::Embperl v2.0a18 2000     h2000.epl   247.3     14846 hits 60.04 sec
0.004044   28809 byte
> HTML::Mason v0.895 2000        h2000.mas   222.9     13378 hits 60.01 sec
0.004485   28798 byte
> mod_caucho JSP 2000            h2000.jsp   328.9     19741 hits 60.03 sec
0.003041   28964 byte
> mod_php PHP 2000               h2000.php   261.8     15717 hits 60.04 sec
0.003820   28865 byte
> Template v2.00 Toolkit 2000    h2000.tt     55.6     3336 hits  60.01 sec
0.017987   28888 byte
> Apache::ASP v2.07              hello.asp   390.6     23444 hits 60.01 sec
0.002560   241 bytes
> Apache::Dispatch v0.08 handler hello/worl  656.1     39374 hits 60.01 sec
0.001524   196 bytes
> Apache::ePerl                  hello.eper  344.8     20687 hits 60.00 sec
0.002900   217 bytes
> Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI Raw hello_raw.  706.4     42394 hits 60.02 sec
0.001416   52 bytes
> Apache::Registry v2.01 CGI.pm  hello.reg   458.5     27529 hits 60.03 sec
0.002181   216 bytes
> Apache::SSI v2.16              hello.shtm  559.4     33571 hits 60.01 sec
0.001788   199 bytes
> HTML static                    hello.html 1158.4     50000 hits 43.16 sec
0.000863   311 bytes
> HTML::Embperl v2.0a18          hello.epl   458.2     27496 hits 60.01 sec
0.002183   219 bytes
> HTML::Mason v0.895             hello.mas   365.3     21925 hits 60.02 sec
0.002737   197 bytes
> HTML::Template v2.0            hello.htmp  567.2     34041 hits 60.01 sec
0.001763   198 bytes
> mod_caucho JSP                 hello.jsp   860.6     50000 hits 58.10 sec
0.001162   230 bytes
> mod_include SSI                hello.shtm  996.6     50000 hits 50.17 sec
0.001003   198 bytes
> mod_perl handler               hello.benc  852.6     50000 hits 58.64 sec
0.001173   196 bytes
> mod_php PHP                    hello.php   734.8     44095 hits 60.01 sec
0.001361   225 bytes
> Template v2.00 Toolkit         hello.tt    522.1     31338 hits 60.02 sec
0.001915   198 bytes
> Apache Server Header Tokens
> ---------------------------
> (Unix)
> Apache/1.3.14
> OpenSSL/0.9.6
> PHP/4.0.3pl1
> Resin/1.2.1
> mod_perl/1.24
> mod_ssl/2.7.1
> PERL Version: 5.00503
> JAVA Version: java version "1.3.0"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0)
> Classic VM (build 1.3.0, J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cx130-20001124 (JIT enabled:
> Operating System: Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp (root@porky) (gcc egcs-2.91.66) #1
2CPU [gate]

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