At 02:26 PM 6/7/2001 +1000, Steve Smith wrote:
> > HTML::Embperl
>For me, this has one major win over the other toolkits: auto form
>population from a hash.  The online mortgage application system I
>wrote has about 1,800 form fields, which have to be populated with
>data from a database.  By making the form fields match DB column
>names, I can reduce the code to do this to:
>    my $data = $dbh->fetchrow_hashref($query);
>    %fdat = (%fdat, %$data);
>Embperl then parses the form and populates it with the matching
>name=>value pairs in %fdat, including select options.  Beautiful!

Not that it's a reality now, but this is one of the things that the Perl 
Widget Library project on source forge is hoping to accomplish for template 
languages. It's a cross template way of organizing form information and map 
it to db fields.

The reality is that there are many fields that cannot map easily 1-1 to a 
database as you say. eg a date in a database is usually a date field. But 
in a form, it might be a combination of 3 form fields (dropdown for month, 
year and day separately).


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