At 07:47 AM 7/8/01, Ged Haywood wrote:
>On Sat, 7 Jul 2001, Todd Finney wrote:
> > We use ePerl for a fair number of things, and I have yet to run 
> into
> > something we needed of which it was not capable.
>Didn't I read somewhere that there were security concerns?

There was a fix made in 1998 regarding QUERY_STRING, but I think that 
was the last time anything like that came up.  I'm not even sure 
there's been a new release since then; I suppose that could mean either 
Ralf has lost interest in it, or it's just 'done'.  It's probably a 
little bit of both.

There's a patch to make it work with 5.6 floating around, but I haven't 
seen anything else new in some time.


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