At 02:40 PM 7/8/01, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > We use ePerl for a fair number of things, and I have yet to run 
> into
> > something we needed of which it was not capable.   What are you
> > thinking of?
>It's not a question of it not being capable, it's just that most 
>people seem
>to choose one of the more full-featured tools.

Yea, I'm a glutton for punishment. :/ I don't necessarily mind, though 
- reinventing the wheel periodically is a good learning experience.

>There's lots of talk on the list about Apache::ASP, Embperl, Mason, 
>etc., but not much about ePerl.   (Maybe I should do some research in 
>the mail archives and graph the results.  Sounds like a magazine 
>column...)  Also, I think Text::Template stole some users away from 

It probably doesn't help that ePerl isn't even listed at with the others.

>Like SSI, ePerl is perfect for some people who just want a simple 
>that stays out of their way.

...and people that are too lazy to bother remembering the difference 
between [+ +], [- -], and [! !].


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