
> > Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > 
> > 2. Do most hosting companies allow
> > authentication/authorization handlers?  (Using
> > HostRocket at the moment).
> Most hosting companies don't allow mod_perl.

I had fears about that one, since I thought Perl might not
mean mod_perl - as I know mod_perl is rather cosy with
Apache (that's the whole point).  With the functionality I
had in mind it'd take too long to compile them on the fly. 
Seemingly I can do Apache handlers though, so I *might* be

Looks like I may have to run it off my friends ADSL
connection, as I'm stuck in 56k hell.  That adds nice
domain redirection and uptime problems (of ADSL) to my life

> > 6. What is a realistic time to expect all this
> > to happen in?
> Also impossible to answer, since it depends on your
> developers and the full requirements.

My developers? - What's a developer?  :P  The best I've got
are inexperienced amatures with relevatively little coding
experience with Perl.  Tough challenge eh?  With some
determination we'll get it finished by Christmas (not this
year :P )

I rather ambigously asked the question:  How many
milliseconds might this stage take, on a commerial hosting
company's servers.  Suppose without mod_perl this would be
at least 300ms, or probably worse.

> > Ged Haywood wrote:
> > I am trying to create a website [snip]
> > NB - Whilst my preferred answer to these questions is a
> > coded solution, [snip]
> We like people to think for themselves on this list. :)

Okay, I forgot the smiley on that.  I don't really expect
anyone to code it for me, that's asking too much... unless
people are willing to share what they've already done.  I'd
owe someone too many brownie points if they coded it for
me.  The "Background" was there for interest really, and to
suggest what I'm trying to do.

Please don't flame me, I'll go away... honest :P

Jonathan Paton

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